The Wondrous World of the
Hidden Creatures
The Wondrous World of the Hidden creatures is a book for all ages, written and illustrated by Floor Rebbers. Filled with wonderful pencil and aquarelle-illustrations, and uniquely combined with nature photography, this book is not only a visual treat, but also has an important message to offer - what if we took more notice of all the small wonders happening around us in nature?
A unique story...
About the natural world around us.
The Creatures making their appearance in the book, all have their origins in the forest. Each page tells the story of a unique species, gracefully portrayed in both pencil and aquarelle sketches and featured in a reality-bending illustrated photograph.
There's lore written about each creature, their way of living, personality and role in nature.

...For everyone!
The book is suited for both children as well as an older audience. The many illustrations make it very accesible, while the text provides more information about not only the creatures, but the natural world as well. It touches a part inside all of us: one of wonder and imagination.
If you ever wondered what magical creatures are hiding behind the veils of reality, you can find out in "The Wondrous World of the Hidden Creatures"!